Monthly Archives: November 2020

Thank you for your enquiries

A big thank you to anyone who has enquired about a piano tuning during these turbulent times. We all need to support local businesses right now.

My workload has been cut in half since March of this year. Mercifully, I have earned enough money this week to order new stock (various oils, powders, glues, assorted piano parts) so I’m looking forward to using these next week.

Let’s all keep supporting local businesses and local tradespeople.

  • – Richard, Piano Tuner Leeds.

Piano Tuner Leeds open during Lockdown

In case it wasn’t clear, Leeds piano tuner will continue his essential work after Thursday. However, if you’ve already booked and would like to cancel, you are completely within your rights to do so. Please give at least 12 hours notice (if possible), so I can book someone else into the newly available slot.

The blog posts below go into more detail about safety measures when booking a piano tuner, if you’re concerned.

– Richard, Leeds Piano Tuner.