Piano Tuning Diary 10-09-18

I popped into Stocksbridge christian centre today on the way to Leeds to give their upright Murdoch piano some much needed TLC. It reminded me once again that a crucial part of piano tuning is making sure they are tuned regularly (once every six months ideally)! I spent at least twenty minutes cleaning out bits of string that were obstructing the action (derelict pianos make great homes for mice) and wiping the ancient dust from the hammer shanks and felts. Thankfully one of the staff was kind enough to help me! Once that job was completed and I’d tuned/regulated the piano, they were thrilled with how much better it sounded and felt.

It also reminded me that pianos in churches are often neglected for many years before a piano tuner is called in. I know finances can be difficult for churches, schools and hospitals which is why I will always offer discounts to them. If your local church or meeting house has a piano left gathering dust, please get together the small funds needed to pay for a tuning and call me in! When you hear the difference in tone and tuning, you certainly won’t regret it!

– Richard Lidster, Piano Tuner Leeds.

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